Saturday, May 30, 2009
Mid Year Exam - result is out. English - Grade 4 Chinese - Grade 2 Mathematics - U Grade Science - Grade 5 Combined Humanities - U Grade POA - Grade 1 Shit mathematics, flunk again. With this kind of results, I'm actually the top in class. I'm not trying to imply anything, just erm.. well -.- ![]() Quoted this survey from some webby - Girl Confessions. 1. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead? - It is, if the guy is cute [: 2. A big poofy dress or a short party dress? - A short party dress. 3. What would you do if you received a long love letter? - Take a look at the writer's name before deciding whether to dump the letter away or scream with joy. 4. Group dates or single dates? - Group dates would be fun, if the other girls are all my akls [: 5. Do you hate it when guys act different around their friends? - Not really, as long as his the good guy in front of me. 6. Are diamonds a girl’s best friend? - Nope, I personally don't have a passion for diamonds. 7. Is your hair up or down today? - Definitely down. 8. Do you straighten your hair? - Rebonded, but I don't straighten it myself. 9. Favorite mascara? - I don't really use mascara, but L'oreal would be fine. 10. Do you get your nails done? - Not when I'm having school almost everyday. 11. Small or large purses? - Both are fine. 12. In your purse, what are your must haves? - Ez-link card, atm card and cash. 13. Jeans or sweats? - Neither. 14. Do you wear clothes/shoes/jewelry that’s uncomfortable? - Only if it looks nice on me. 15. Do you text message a lot? - Depends, somedays my lazy fingers just wont move. 16. What would you do if you got pregnant? - No idea, have to experience it personally then will know. 17. What’s your favorite color? - Black. 18. Heels or flats? - Heels, but I hardly wear them. 19. Did you ever cry during a romantic movie? - Of cause, ton of times. 20. Would you ever leave the house without make-up on? - Yes, I dont have to live with my make-up everywhere I go. 21. Walmart or Target? - ? 22. Do you wear collared shirts? - Yup. 23. Do you like preppy boys? - Why not ? Preppy boys are cute (x 24. Do you think lip gloss is the best!? - Nope, there are so much more things better. 25. Do you own any big sunglasses? - Not REALLY big. 26. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? - About 40mintues. 27. Do you like to wear band-aids? - Duh, who would like to ? 28. Do you like skater boys? - Yes, if they are not too act (x 29. Do you often wish there was something you could change? - Yes, a lot of things in fact. 30. Gold or silver? - Silver. 31. Do you like to receive flowers? - Nah, flowers wither. 32. Do you like surfer boys? - Yeah, cool. 33. Do you dress up for the holidays? - Of cause. 34. Do you like to wear dresseses? - Not really, I can't move freely in them. 35. On a scale of 1-10 how much do guys confuse you? - Guys don't confuse me, I saw though all their tricks. 36. In the last 48 hours have you hung out with a guy? - Nope, I've been hanging out with my precious girls [: 37. Would you date a guy shorter than you? - No way, that will made us look like a freak couple. 38. Do you like to hold hands? - Yes, not for long though. Hands do sweat you know. 39. What is the youngest you would date? - Age doesn't matter, as long as his mature enough. 40. What is the oldest you would date? - Not too old until he looks like my dad or uncle or cousin, etc. 41. What do you notice when you first meet a guy? - His attire and hairstyle. 42. Is it hott when guys sweat? - If his a sporty guy, yes. 43. What is the best feature in a guy? - Thy eyes. 44. Do you like making eye contact? - Nope, no preference. 46. Would you kill for chocolate? - I won't, chocolates don't really fancinates me. 47. Did you ever spend all day/night getting pretty for a guy? - Erm, thats too exaggerating. 48. On a scale from 1-10 how fun is shopping? - 10 ! 49. Do you freak out if you miss your favorite show? - Yes, totally. 50. Do you yell a lot? - No, yelling makes you look like a ill-manner bitch. 51. Do you wear sweatpants/pajamas to school/work? - Which moron would do that ? 52. Have you ever dressed unlike yourself to impress a guy? - Yes, of cause. 53. Do you write a lot of mushy love poems? - Does anyone still write love poems now ? 54. What makeup could you not live w/ out? - Foundation. 55. Do you fall in love easily? - No, not anymore. My heart didnt skipped a beat for someone for a very very long time. 56. Do you have cramps? - Yeah, who doesn't ? 57. Do you think you have the bestest friend ever? - Not the bestest friend yet, but one day it'll be bestest best best [: Just another tiring night. I went to school today - the last day of school. Though I'm late but I'm still there. Reported sick during recess time as the last day of school at hillgrove secondary isn't really that much fun at all, neither is it memorable. Bro came down to school and fetch me home - my mum's order. After 10minutes of walking, talking and perspiring, I finally reached home. Bro went to cook maggie for me and himself - mum's order again. While I went to bath and prepare my stuff. After being all nice and clean, went to eat the maggie then rang up Xy. Found out that she haven't even bath yet, she said her bro is using the toilet. Who knows if you're just stuck to the laptop screen with your fingers glued to the mouse ? Lol. Forget it, I guess I'll be magnanimous today yeah(: So after waiting and waiting, I gave up and left the house first. It was impossible, being in this house with nothing to do at all. I didn't want to be early but I couldn't stay in the house anymore. And of cause I'm early when I reached Gombak mrt station, Xy and Lm are still on their way - expected. I started walking towards their direction despite the hot sun and gave Xy that dirty look when I saw her. We're going to be late for training - which isn't really a good thing since we haven't even started working yet. We went to took a train to Outram Park and changed to purple line, to Clarke Quay again. We are supposed to reached at 3pm sharp but we were 15minutes late - definitely not a big deal for us since we're one who can take our own sweet time for hours. Training went on smoothly, though I got stuck in some of the theory talk but I soon caught up. Practical training held on tomorrow, we have to ring up companies after companies to promote our company's goods. So before we have to sacrifice our time tomorrow, we'll just gonna have a good time today. We left Clarke Quay and went over to town. Ate Kfc at Far East Plaza - this is th third time already. But I promised there will be more - we share a tremendous passion in Kfc. Spent a long 1hour plus inside the premise. Finally when night came and the sun bid goodbye, we left - back to the street with fresh air. Criticises started while we walk and passes through all sorts of people in Singapore. Saw faces I'll never expected to see except perhaps on the pages of fashion magazine. And also some whom I have no comment on - if I had, it wouldn't be good. When we all decided that our legs are breaking, we started our journey back home. Nothing interesting to share while we're on the train except for a group of I don't know ? Do they call them self xiao ahlian ? There was nothing wrong with them, really. Except for a few moments when one of them would scold a vulgarities really loud and the word would float and linger in the train. Quite uncivilised, if I have to say. Well well, reached Gombak station at 11plus and bid goodbyes to Xy and Lm as we headed to different direction. Rang up Edmond while walking on the long street towards home. Bull shit with him for awhile and realised I'm already home - time really flies with faithful friends like him (:
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I really and truly despise dogs like you. I'm lucky today, don't know why. But I miraculously woke up on time for school today. And slept through all the periods until recess at school. Laughs. School was boring, as usual. Finally endure until school end at 2:15. Went home straight to bath prepare and out again. Off to clarke quay with Xy and Lm, walk around and have dinner. Then went down to geylang with Xy, its her idea yeah. Super tiring and my legs are hurting. Not a really worthy trip, was damn hot la. Reached home at 10plus, and I'm gonna sleep now. Drop dead, drop dead x.x
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Skipped School Today. Am super duper tired today, decided not to go to school. Anyway, exam's over and there's really no much point going. Went to take away mac with Sh and ate while eating for Lm. She sure know how to drag time, made us waited for 2 hours plus. We then went up to Xy's house for awhile before heading to my house. Slacked and lazed around for the whole afternoon, Xy and Jas joined us at evening time. Ate dinner at my house, maggie and chicken riceee(: And they went home at around 9pm. Gonna turn in early tonight, tomorrow going to school. Tata(:
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Yeah, I know. It's been such a long time since I've last updated. Didn't expect to have came back to blogging so soon. Anyway, didn't went to school today due to overslept. Afternoon wake up met up with Xy and Lm. Went to causeway to slack around and settle our dinner with kcf. And went home at 9plus. Nothing fun to share with. Holiday's coming, gonna find a job soon. Fail my math again, wtf. Luckily I pass eng, mt, science and poa [: |