Tuesday, June 30, 2009
![]() Okay, guess what ? I'm at Jon's house now. Was planning to be late for school. But fall asleep and failed to go back to school. Actually, I have no intention to go back too. Since I'm already so comfortably at Jon's house. Of cause, Xinyi and Limin was here too. This house was like ours. Used it in the morning to afternoon. Hardly ever seen Jon's shadow here. I'm bored, and guilty at the same time. Guilty for skipping school today. And afraid if my mum finds out. What can I tell her ? For this isn't the first time. I'm sorry for being lazy. But forgive me, for I'm such a girl. Last cigarette now. How ? Money and cigarettes please ?
Monday, June 29, 2009
First day of school. I survived, lol. Saw the girls in the morning, was excited la. Miss them soooo much. Update each other's life a little in class. Tried to concentrate on the lessons, but its really hard. Finally, fall asleep on the last lesson. After school, back to our little coven. With Xinyi and Limin, as usual. Slacked, ate, and then slept. Mum keep call, ask me go home eat dinner. So went home at evening time. Tomorrow. School day again. No sleeping until the sun set. No wearing whatever we like. No makeup. No cigarettes. No freedom. Why is friday still not coming yet ?! ):
Escape plan failed, lol.
Both me and Xinyi decided that we were too tired to wake up. Our body just can't lift itself off the bed, hahaha. So slept all the way till evening, with no disruption. Met Xinyi after dinner and head to Jon's house. Was planning to slack there and grief, for the last day of holiday. But she forgot to bring the key. Last minute realisation, when we were outside Jon's house =.= Anyway, Travis came fetch us go irc play pool. Old man frankie was there too. Enjoyed, was fun. But I was half-hearted the whole night. The thought of school tomorrow just made my mood damp. 1 more hour before I gotta prepare for school. Shucks :x
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Damn, I just promised Xinyi I'll go escape with her tomorrow.
With this promise made, I have to gave up that top I saw at causeway. Given the economic crisis now, theme park seems like a very redundant place to spent money on. BUT, the way she talk I know she's really keen in going. And what more can I say ? How can I possibly bear to see her disappointed face ? Pray to god, don't rain tomorrow, don't spoilt our day. Though I love rain; I love thy feeling on my face.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Please don't ask me whats on my mind. Its all mixed up, but I'm really fine. Met up with Chua today.
Hm, I mean Chuachua. ( She says Chua sounds weird, Chuachua sounds cuter. Lol. ) Anyway, we were planning to head down to Cine leisure. But we were ravenous, so decided to settle down at Causeway for lunch first. Had a delicious feast. We practically ate through the whole day. Don't know why, in a good eating mood. Movie plan failed. Due to the cinema only show casting three movies today. What bad luck, and we were too lazy to leave for Cine. Cam-whore a whole lot, since nothing much to do. Did a bit of window shopping and more gossiping. Explanations, discussions, and our dirty little secrets. Went home at ten plus. ChuaXinyi, It's really been sometimes since we both went out together, & alone. Though we didn't went anywhere far, but its enough too. Today was a hard-core good time with you, indeed [: I'm broke, really broke. I need money, many many money. Lots of things to do, lots of things to buy, lots of places to go. I knew it all but there comes the fcuking money problem. How ?!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
My dear brother, Travis, and Limin joined us too. Nothing interesting to talk about. Again, school's reopening soon. Gonna study hard. I mean, really hard. I have a good plan tomorrow. Hope it goes well, looking forward to it. Travis is still the same today, as sumpat as everyday. And Xinyi & Limin still stands the same place in my heart.
Yeah, I heard it again. Another abandoned relationship. I'm sorry for you. But I'm also relieve to know that at least this won't happen to me. For love is weird. Omg, I didn't know what the hell I do that for. Everything's so unexpected. I felt like I was stepping right into a box full of surprises. Just because of our decisions to tell the truth. And then, everything changes. No more awkward situation or silent atmosphere. Infact, easy laughter was heard. I gain a truly wonderful thing last night. I gave that thing something sweet, and got something even sweeter back (: No mood to share my holiday adventures. School's reopening soon. Study hard, all my friends. To Xinyi, I wanna say: I love you today as much as I love you yesterday. To Limin, I wanna say: You are my big girl now, advance birthday celebration was great. To Travis, I wanna say: Thanks for last night, thanks for our lies.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Today I smile, because of you. Today, went down to Bugis with Xy and Lm. Randomly walked around with Lm while Xy go for her job interview. Then we went to Far East for lunch - Kfc again, standard. After eating, done a bit of shopping then settle down to some serious gossip. Elmer rode his bike down then went off again, lol. We waited for Ws and co. at Cine for dont know how long can. Super dislike waiting, was outraged la. Gave Ws a little scolding session of mine before we head off to Ktv. Sang & drank until 3am then we left - to another drinking session at Woodland. No one really got drunk, except for Fiona being more than a little tipsy. Nobody realise that at first until we saw how she walk, funny her. Ws drove Alvin and Amos home then bought us to Goodview's carpark and gave us basic driving lesson. Was quite interesting, took down videos of us driving but Fiona accidentally go delete it ! Forget it, there's still next time. With Ws around, driving seems like an easy task. We all drove well enough, except for a part where Xy tries to brake but failed and the whole car jerk and stop abrubtly - both me and Fiona screamed while falling down fom our seat. Gosh, Xy behind the wheel was dangerous. After that, went to take away breakfast and Ws sent us all home - thanks(: Slept for a whole 13hours before waking up to mum's pizza delivery.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
500bucks flew away today. Woke up in the morning and was looking forward to another day with the girls. But heaven decided to crack a joke on me on this particular morning. Mum bought me the shattering news - laser appointment was one day in advance due to the doctor not being free tomorrow. Faster rang up Xy and updated her on the news. Met her at my house then we took a cab down to NUH. Reached there then know one of my parents have to go down with me to sign and permit my laser surgery. So called mum down and while waiting for her, I applied the cream to numb my hands first. Xy still have the mood to drink cappuccino, didn't even give me any moral support. Sucha good friend yeah. When I'm waiting, gloom engulfed me - the whole room's pressing down on me. Was extremely anxious la. When mum came, followed by Lm, it's time for me to go into the surgery room - which is literally my personal hell on earth. Worst still, no one is allowed in with me, that means I'm have to face this all on my own. When it all started, I was shocked at first - I should be prattling on about unrelated stuff to keep myself distracted but I'm unusually quiet. The feeling wasn't so bad after all, not at all the pain I've imagined. It still hurts though, of cause. And I did grumble a bit but that's all and its done in a few minutes. Wow, I survived. After that, lots of not-so-important things going on then its Glendale after that - with Xy and Lm. Went home and drop dead again that night. |