Monday, July 27, 2009
School today, same old thing.
Went home straight after school. To bath, prepare and everything. Met up with Sumbut.C and went down to Lavender. Registered for IC, with success this time. Aftermath, went down to bugis since it's just the next stop. Ate at Kfc, Sumbut.C complained about her rumbling stomach again. She sure knows how to eat on this few days. After eating, walked around awhile. Got psychoed to a facial appointment at Adeline Face And Body. Well, we sure do need facial soon. Thanks again to Sumbut.C for accompanying me. She never once complained though the long journey. And she's always there when I need help. Heartfelt apologies for showing my attitude sometimes. I've been living for years like that but I'm gonna change it. For the sake of her and myself. As she's a really great girl, don't know why all guys are blind now. Tomorrow, and tomorrow it's court day. I'll not blame any days in my life. Good days give me happiness. Bad days give me experiences. Both are essential in life.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
![]() There, my all time favourite dream boys. Outrageously brave and unreasonably charming. Daniel Radcliffe starring in Harry Potter. Robert Pattinson starring in Twilight and HP as Cedric Diggory. How I wish I was a Caucasian too. Anyway, gotta thanks Sumbut.C for accompanying me to see doctor yesterday. She said I was making use of her ( in a joking way of course ) and I said it's call " wei ai xi shen ". Laughoutloud. Am still having a fever and cough, hopefully it's just some normal flu. So I guess, butt-on-bed through this weekend then. Ohya, Beibei came down too at night. Accompanied her go buy school shoe then I went home first. While she went to Sumbut.C's house. We three bought the same school shoes :D Court on next wed and Jurong HQ on sat perhaps. Woo, karma really know how to hunt one person down. Claps for you, mr/ms/mrs/mdm karma (: Shucks, shucks, shucks.
Friday, July 24, 2009
I missed school for two days in a row already. Have been coughing non stop, and my temperature shoot up to 39.3 last night. Anyway, gonna post about yesterday. Met up with Sumbut.C again, of course. Went down to Lavender, was intending to register for I.C. But I didn't bring down my birth certificate, zzz. Sumbut.C keep complaining that she's starving. So we caught a bus down to TiongBahru for lunch. Why choose TiongBahru out of so many other places ? That's because she wanna go " ka " her grandma's money again, lol :x After eating, we wanted to go catch a movie. And we both decided on Harry Potter. The graphic was excellent, not to mention their acting skill. Sumbut.C said she didn't regret watching, though she most probably can't understand 1/3 of the movie. Lol, kidding. The movie was, in fact not so exciting for me. Since I've read the book already. It's just wasn't the same when you already knew what the ending was. But I still have to say, thumbs up for the movie (: Stay away from me, your face really disgust me.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
![]() ![]() ![]() Okay, shall be posting about yesterday first. Went down to Angkong Andy house as planned. Shaded 1/3 of my back tattoo while Sumbut.C get a new tribal on her arm. Back tattoos was quite painful. But still able to endured and enjoyed it. Prakash came over too. To encourage me or suansiao me, idk (x He was funny la, keep " jam ". Haha. Slacked at there, craps a lot with them while waiting for Sumbut.C. Left in the evening. All bid goodbyes except for Sumbut.C, she went to my house. As for today, I'm really damn pissed off. Don't wish to elaborate more. Thanks for the back stab anyway, ms fake ? Big girls don't cry, they get even.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Today, other then Sumbut.C I still met up with Meihoon.
Went to Irc play pool as we have really no idea where to go. And we haven't touch pool for quite a period of time. Played 3-4 rounds. Sumbut.C and Baobei tag team, and lose to me all. LOL. I have to be humble (: After Sumbut.C confeatted defeat, we went to Mac to have our dinner. Mc Spicy for me and Baobei, and Mc Wings for Sumbut.C. I miss macdonald >.< Craps and gossips about someone & someone. And the sky gets darker & darker outside. Was considering to head now to Clark Quay for Sheesha(?). But Sumbut.C says it's too late. So we decided to head back to Gombak's Salon. While waiting for the bus, I spotted a familiar back view who looks like our camp instructor. Told them about it and they agree too. But we don't dare to call him as we're not confirm its him. Later it's just someone who looks similar, confirm xiasuey. Then we heard it, his voice. ( Mr Yeo's ) And we confirm it's him. Sumbut.C " Eh " him a few times before he reacts. Said he recognises us, but don't remember our names =.= Chit chatted with him awhile, found out that he uses vulgarities too. Anyway, our bus came and we bid goodbyes. Reached Gombak and we all cutted our hair. Aftermath, craps again then went home. Sucha long time didn't meet Baobei out already. Today was yet another hard-core good times with my loved ones (: Please don't question me anymore. Sorry, but I'm not as perfect as you think I am.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Alright, finally back to posting.
But I've nothing to talk about. School's practically the same everyday. Am still holding on to the hope of school closure. And finally, its Friday again. Gonna met up with Sumbut.C tomorrow. Shading on Monday, my crave (: To Sumbut.C : Seeyou tomorrow, gonna left our footprints again. Loveyou, really (: To Jasmine : I don't understand what you tag on my TB, but nvm. Seeyou on Monday, will be missing you on this weekend (: To Meihoon : Featured, && i love you too. Mushroom shorty (: To Daphne : Don't always feel so down casted, Monday recess gonna eat together. Smile more (: To Pohwei : Cheer up dar, have always love your laughter and smiles (: To Desiree : Study hard k, don't always talk. Don't want see you in sec3 next year (: To Felicia : Baybeeee, you're so cute la. Haha (: To Jianting : Harry Potter soon, simply love disturbing you (: To De en : Sorry :x Laughs. Okay, I really have nothing better to do. Feel like continuing the list though.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Court at 29th July.
I'm being charged with something I didn't do before. But I blame no one. For I know this day will come one day. Karma have found me, so what ? I'm okay, really. Just worried, very worried. But I'm still gonna live my life wild. Nothing's gonna change me, myself & my life. Sagittarius - Being optimistic all the time. Thats what we're really good at. Money please ? I'm broke, again. Woke up around evening time yesterday. Thought I'm gonna waste a Saturday staying at home. But miraculously, Chuachua's dad allowed her to ton. So we bath-ed, prepared & went out at 9plus. Went to Sembawang , met up with Xinhao for awhile. Bomb-ed Anson for movie deal at town, sorry :x Went down to Amk for Kbox instead. Tricked Jianting down, then psycho-ed him go in with us (: Imitating his every move was fun, The singing part was great too. Session ended at 3am. Jianting went separated way, bid him goodbye. Chuachua and I did something really unexpected. We walked all the way from Amk to Yishun. Passing through dark forest way, it was eerie la. Not sure which direction is the correct way. Challenging, and we made it too. Went back to Jon's house together and slept till afternoon. Really had a great time with my dearest sister and cutest Jianting :D Sumpat.C , we have walked down the toughest road in life. & I'm gonna walk down my future with my hand held on to yours. With you by my side, I'll never have to be afraid again. For we'll always hold on to each other. The day I'm gonna stopped loving you would never come. Even if we have to part someday, you'll always stand a place in my heart. All this words came from the deepest depth of my heart, not one word untrue.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The same old thing today.
Nothing much to share. Quoted the below quiz - requested by Meihoon. Name a friend from A-Z. A - Alison B - Benny C - Cassandra D - Daphne E - Edmond F - Fongyin G - Guanchin H - Hazel I - Irene J - Jasmine K - Kelvin L - Limin M - Meihoon N - Nicholas O - - P - Pohwei Q - - R - Regina S - Shayne T - Travis U - - V - Vedelene W - Weibin X - Xinyi Y - Yingying Z - Zhiyan 1. Can R and S get together in a BGR ? Answer: Nope, not possible. 2. How is L related to you ? Answer: She's my dear girlgirl. 3. Does Y knows Z ? Answer: Nope. 4. If C betray you, would you kill him/her ? Answer: Nope, how can I kill my own sister. 5. If K steals your boyfriend, what would you do ? Answer: Nothing, I won't object if he wants to be a gay. 6. If B tells you that he/she have a crush on you, what will you do ? Answer: Impossible, his my god younger bro. 7. Will you and M get into a fight ? Answer: Probably not, I'll just pinch her (: 8. Who does K have a crush on ? Answer: No idea, some hot girl out there perhaps. 9. If L calls you a bitch ,what would you do ? Answer: Calls her back, we don't mind (: 10. Whats the relationship between you and E ? Answer: Old friend of mine. 11. Who does Z like ? Answer: I don't know, he won't tell me. 12. Who is I's best friend ? Answer: No idea, not that close with her. 13. What colour does Y like ? Answer: Not sure, didn't have a fav-colour conversation with her before. 14. Where does F lives ? Answer: She's staying at Batok now, her boyfriend's house. 15. Did you and C had a fight before ? Answer: Yes, loads of time. 16. Who is H's best friend ? Answer: Her world is all about her boyfriend now. 18. If J tell you he/she have a crush on you ? Answer: Tell her the same thing and kiss her (: 19. Who is G's idol ? Answer: Not sure, only know he likes pokemon. Haha. 20. Tag 10 people to do this quiz. I'm too lazy, laughs.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
A guy of 25years old me and Chua knew recently, happens to be the one bad-mouthing us behind our back. And dare not answer any of our calls. It is simply hilarious. Haven't he pass the time of bad-mouthing at such an age ? For what I know, he definitely have no rights to criticise and comment on us. Especially when we've only known him for a few days. His doings truly fits the qualities of a dog. No, wait. I guess even a dog is much better than him, a thousand time better. Dogs are trustworthy and cuter than him by so much. He obviously don't have the basic respect and courtesy for others. Don't even mention integrity. Message to him: We're only 15-16 years old but it seems like you're much more immature than us. We truly despise someone like you. Your actions was sooooo humiliating. So please shut up your smelly mouth and stop your despicable acts.
Many years of study obviously couldn't make you change to a better person. Then I suggest you not to step out of your house and totally disgrace yourself. You fcuking spoilted my whole day. Scram and don't ever let me see you for the rest of my life again. Skipped school today. Should be another wonderful day for me. BUT woke up at Jon's house and found out something really disheartening. Really have nothing much to say. I've saw the ugliest side of you people. Keeping the truth won't help a bit. If I have the need to, I'll say everything I can. Don't blame me, for you've no rights to. & that person out there. Next time please do me a favor by keeping your mouth shut. Sometimes I need what only you can provide: your absence.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Endured school today.
Was quite a fuck-edup time. Really had enough of those smelly teachers. Please, don't give all the shits about not being unfair and not picking on us. For goodness sake, you teachers are not god. And we have eyes to see, duh. Jon's house after school, with Chua again. Another hours of fun. One day when I'm old, I'm gonna remember all this days and laugh to myself. Detention tomorrow, fcuktheschoolrules. No sleeping. No talking. No doing our own things. No everything. Worst still, 400words of reflection essay _l_ YOU. If you ever become a parent, can I have one of the puppies ?
Monday, July 6, 2009
So I did cooked breakfast for Chuachua.
Malay noodles from the fridge. Bought it for supper last night but didn't ate it. Cause the prata have already filled our tummy. Slept for the whole afternoon. About 6hours, unsatisfied. Chuachua watch the hongkong gangster movies. And we went home at evening time. Travis caught me by surprise. Delivered donuts from don't know where. Still act one secretive, haha. Thanks la, brother. Love is a perfect gift. & you are my love. Currently just ended my 5hours of audi time. Chuachua's sleeping soundly now. Can't wake her up, no matter what. Don't feel like sleeping. Cause if I sleep, confirm will be another 12hours before I'll open my eyes again. So I'll just have to wait for that sleeping beauty to wake up. Maybe cooking breakfast for her later. Maybe only, see my mood. Laughs. School day tomorrow. The day I dreaded. I'm not heartless, but I do secretly wish the school will close down due to H1N1. Though I don't wish to see more people contracted that. I just wanna school to end ! Maybe I'm not the lead chosen for your story.
I'll smile & wave goodbye.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Someone complained that I didn't update today. So I'm updating now. Jon's house today with Xinyi again. She used the com all day, leaving me nothing to do. So watched a show by Tom Cruise. He was unreasonably handsome, lol. After the show, started doing housework. Tidied his bed, sweep & mop the floor and clean his coffee table. Too bad his house no vacuum cleaner. I'm so busy with housework , didn't even have the time to reply friend's messages. Uploaded new things & changed url. I have to repeat, me and Chuachua is not lesbian. We are just effing good sisters. Staying overnight today. I'm so gonna cherish the time today. For Chuachua rarely have the chance to ton. Even if I love you, what business is it of yours ?