Saturday, January 30, 2010
I screwed my body up. I've been feeling sick for the past two days, and I got the worst headache ever. Stucked on bed since Friday. Haven't been eating or sleeping for 40-50hours and all I could feel was not hunger or tiredness, but the extreme headache and blood rush. Something as easy as climbing out of bed to get something became a difficult task for me. It's only this morning that my body started to function well again as I felt a tremendous rush of hunger and weakness through me. Ate up a strawberry cream roll and finally fall asleep in the afternoon. But I was awoke now again, after only afew hours of sleep and I'm not tired at all. This is so not me, my body's definitely not on the right track. Am still having the headache now, though it's not as bad as before but it still didn't failed to fcuked up my day. The only good thing is there's a high chance I'm gonna lose afew grams. But I'm also getting the eye bags, dark eye circles and pimples for the bad part ! :( I passed math text, 24/40. ( I don't want border line passes ! ) Gonna rest my mind tonight and start revising tmrw.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
At night can't sleep, morning can't wake up. I fking missed school again yesterday. Why can't I just get my ass outta bed on every Monday morning ? -.- And as usual, mum went on a 30mins long of nagging and cursing. She said she wanna cut off my allowance, wtfzxc. It's not as if I'd skipped school on purpose right, who ask her to give birth to a sleeping queen instead of those typical hardworking daughter. Whatever, I'm starting to hate school anyway. Luckily I managed to crawl out of bed today. And obviously I could. Cause I woke up at 2pm plus yesterday, went back to sleep at 5pm plus and woke up at this morning 6plus. Title me the sleeping queen puh-lease (: School today was as boring as any other day, except for the part when I'm arguing with our dearest form teacher. As usual, she couldn't out talked me at all, not a chance okay. So she's gonna bring the HOD out tmrw. I'm gonna watch out, teehee. Went to Westmall with April after school, printed some photos then went to have our lunch. Saw Honey, Shihui and Winnie, so ate together. Aftermath, smoked then home sweet home. I swear I'm gonna fail my math test, f-u-c-k !
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Zoo outing today was tiring/hot/boring/lame. Luckily Gc, Zj, Jk, Yf, Yq are also probationers, otherwise my day would really suck lots. Anyway, we went to the Zoo indeed but we didn't get the chance to visit the animals cause we've to go to the game sections which are all seriously boring and meaningless. So I just spent the whole day there walking around and talking and talking. Wanted to stay there after the program end to see the animals but the weather was simply too hot for me. So went back home instead with Gc. Hang around, then went down to Mac for dinner. Ht came down to join us too and we made a deal to visit genting together during end of year holiday. Hope it came true. Double Mcspicy is yum yum (: Photos uploaded later, if I had the time. Fuck it, tmrw's fking Monday again. Fuck you, loser. Please get a life seriously _l_ Just another unreasonable freak. Yesterday, I was webcaming around with Xinyi. Disturbing my msn friends. Thats what we always do when we're over at my house. But someone actually misunderstood my doings, saying that I'm trying to show off something to make him sad or jealous or whatever. Firstly, he was nothing to me. Maybe just an online friend. So I believe thats not enough to make me do anything for his sake. Therefore, when I read about all of this. I only went hahahahahahaha instead of cursing him because this is JUST SO HILARIOUS (: Anyway, "FUCK OFF FROM ME". (How can I even fuck off when I couldn't even bother to reply your messages/msn ?) Don't say until I'm the one who bugs into your life, irritating you all the time okay. For you are the one, not me. And I don't think I'm risking my life, I know what I'm doing. Tyvm for your kaypo (: Since you don't give a shit about what I'm thinking then why bother so much, why writing all this shits down ? Plus I didn't let you know everything, duh. I didn't even bother to talk to you. You said you're not affected, but it doesn't seem so. Look at what you write, c'mon la. Sour grapes -.- I've no intention to make you jealous or what, you are obviously thinking too much. Please go see a doctor if you're feeling unwell okay. Lastly, I don't think I can make you forget or change about someone you had for so long. For your information, you're the fking one who wanted to use me to forget somebody and obviously I didn't agree. Because as I said, you're just an online friend to me ! Not even a real friend yet. Please don't assume anything if you aren't me, don't talk as if you know me. We've only talked a few times before and you can actually imagine all this things out. Wow, my hats off for you. Time for medicine, loser (: Wanna mess with me when I've done nothing at all ? Try me. Wanna give me a hard time, I'll pay you double (:
Saturday, January 23, 2010
幸福来得太快,我来不及琢磨。 Jurong point > Fareast > Westmall > Csc > Gombak. Hohoho, met out with April today. Went down to Jurong point cause she wanted to buy something there. But end up don't have, so decided to head down to Orchard. Guess what, I think we are really under the cartegory for STUPID. We actually took a train from Boonlay to Je, alighted and cross over to take a train back to Boonlay. And April didn't even realise that until I pointed it out, then she went HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Lol, sibeh cute >.< Anyway, she bought what she wanted at Orchard then we settled our lunch at Fareast. Aftermath, we went down to Westmall. Faceshop to buy my stuff then to Csc to play pool with Guanchin and Benny too. Now on webcam with Guanchin, and tomorrow I'm gonna see his face AGAIN. Lol. Going off to play audi now with him, byeeee (: Zoo outing tomorrow !
Friday, January 22, 2010
依然会想起那年夏天的午后。 Bitch and A came over to my house today ! Hoho. Had a boring+fun afternoon. Anyway, I scored full marks for POA test leh ! Impressive huh ? Hahaha. Seriously tired now, can't even keep my eyes open and my head feel so heavy. Shall turn in now, goodbyes (: I love math, but math doesn't love me ! :(
Thursday, January 21, 2010
![]() 我努力想起你,哭也没关系。 Fcuk you, fcuk life, fcuk shit, fcuk everything. Lol, I think something's wrong with me alr. What-ever. Same old routine everyday. School then home, home then school. This kind of life is freaking me out, absolutely sick of not having enough sleep. And I've not had fun going out for ages, I miss the days of making up, putting on the fake eyelashes, dolling up and stepping on high heels. It's impossible for me to do those much now, since I'm always pumped out from school. Unless I abandon school and lead my old life back again. I'm sure that would be fascinating but what would I gain in the end ? I certainly do not want to depend on anyone in my future life. Therefore I'll have to endure and endure for now. Hope I can really get used to this kind of life. And change my english teacher please >.< Finally, I've done some research on my english essay and finally I'm catching up on math. But I'm still far behind for combined science, my weakest subject. Well, at least I did well for poa test today I guess ? The typical school girl. With neat hair, tucked in blouse, long skirt, backpack & white shoe. Chai mei yun above, cute ? Stuffs in school. Me sleeping and Jasmine on the right. Life's beautiful, but life's a BITCH.Not gonna elaborate much on what I did today. Just tried cooking pasta for the first time in my life, let the photos do the talking yeah (: Ingredients for Creamy Past. 2 cans of creamy pasta sauce, 1 packet of fusilli, prawns and chicken. Future GOOD housewife ;) The raw ingredients. Boiled ingredients. Boiling the pasta sauce. Filtering the pasta. Filtered pasta. Honey eating it ! Tadaaaaaaaa :D
Btw, alison tay that effing mad girl joined us at a later time too. And the both of them are fooling around behind me now, disturbing me. What the ffffuck. |